Monthly Archives: June 2012

An Environmentalist Re-patterning of Political Language and Practice: From Freedom and Justice to Responsibility for Nature

Corrado Poli This essay: (a) criticizes the current political strategy of most environmentalists, radical and moderate; (b) proposes the intellectual terms of a political alliance that could overcome the traditional political separation between conservative and progressive when dealing with the
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  • Volume 5, Number 2 (2012)

Sustainable City as Fantasy

Mark Davidson There can be little doubt that our current ecological crisis is being framed through the idea of sustainability. As we plan to deal with anthropogenic climate change, we talk of becoming more sustainable. We are projecting a sustainability
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  • Volume 5, Number 2 (2012)

Digging Into ‘Resource War’ Beliefs

Philippe Le Billon Water wars, oil conflicts and blood diamonds. Three terms reflecting a widespread belief that people fight over resources. Is this belief backed by evidence? What power relations does such a belief reflect and shape? If natural resources
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  • Volume 5, Number 2 (2012)