Submission Guidelines

Human Geography (ISSN 1942-7786) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing on advances in critical human geography. The board of editors invites the submission of articles, opinion pieces, book review essays and book reviews. We strive for a well-written, critical, intellectual journal, not full of empirical detail, and not encumbered by too many citations, a journal that can be read in its entirety. If authors are unsure about the fit of a proposed article, send us a brief synopsis to look at and give an opinion on suitability, style etc.

Contributors should send manuscripts as attachments in Word format and diagrams in PDF format by e-mail to:

  • Ipsita Chatterjee () for substantive articles
  • Waquar Ahmed () for substantive articles
  • Sharlene Mollett () for opinion pieces and editorials
  • John Lauermann () for book reviews and review essays

Authors can also direct questions about region-specific works to our regional editors:

  • Swapna Banerjee-Guha () Editor for South Asia
  • Jerónimo Montero () Editor for Latin America
  • Alistair Fraser () Editor for Europe
  • Wing Shing Tang () Editor for East Asia

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts of approximately 25 pages long should be: typed double spaced in twelve point, with subheads in 14 point; have wide margins and page numbers; should not have right-margin justification. The manuscript should contain: a title page; an abstract of 450 words or less; the body of the text; a list of cited references. Please use either minimal footnotes, or preferably no footnotes at all. Cite references in the text by typing in parentheses the last name(s) of author(s), followed by the year the work was published, a colon (:) and page numbers if you are citing a specific passage. Immediately after the text, under the heading “REFERENCES,” list complete reference citations alphabetically by the senior author’s last name, using the standard style. Illustrations should be discussed in the text and should be numbered sequentially with Arabic numbers (for example, Figure 2). Captions for illustrations should be typed together on a separate page (labeled Figure Captions) and not included on the illustration itself. Illustrations must be of professional quality. Read the entire submission guidelines here.